Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Purpose of Life

I have determined that the purpose of life is to conquer my ego. When you think about it, what do all the really happy people in our lives have in common? I submit that it is their lack of ego. Ego is what holds us back. It's the little voice that reminds us of our fears, whispers to us of desire, distracts us with illusory dreams, boasts of our accomplishments. To recognize that voice and to teach it to obey us, that is true greatness.

Here's the next great bit. Baha'u'llah wrote in one of his prayers:
And when He (God) desired to manifest grace and beneficence to men, and to set the world in order, He revealed observances and created laws; among them He established the law of marriage, made it as a fortress for well-being and salvation, and enjoined it upon us in that which was sent down out of the heaven of sanctity in His Most Holy Book.
Now I've long wondered: what is it about marriage that makes it a "fortress for well-being and salvation"? Today, I think it has to do with conquering ego. In marriage, you have to put aside your ego and focus on someone else's needs. You have to learn to love another being so completely, devotedly and selflessly, and no matter the circumstances. Isn't that a beautiful thing?
Furthermore, our spouse serves as a mirror in which we see reflected those attributes we still need to develop. By that I mean that because our spouse is a witness to all our decisions and actions and because they know us and love us so intimately, we can't get away from our weaknesses and frailties: we are forced to confront them.
No wonder marriage is so scary, and so beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

He comes,
'e go's