Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cold Coffee Friendships

CoffeeGeek - Cold Coffee Friendships: "A lot can happen between the top and the bottom of a cup of coffee."

One of the best articles on coffee I've ever read. Not only can I totally relate to his experience of cold coffee and getting to know someone, but I even have my own story about my first cup of coffee. It was drip coffee that had sat in a thermos for a few hours on a drive from Edmundston to Rimouski. The six adults in our minivan had had their two rounds and Dad called back from the driver's seat to ask if anyone wanted a third. I cheekily yelled back "yeah, I do!" only to find a cup of cool, black coffee handed over to our backrow a minute later. Since no one else wanted a third cup I decided it shouldn't go to waste (and who am I kidding, I was curious about this stuff Mom and Dad drank all the time). Funny thing is, it didn't really taste that good. But they all liked it so there must be something good about it. More than ten years later, I'm still appreciating the something good.


Corinne said...

That's an incredible article!

Unknown said...

I acknowledge to be that corrupting agent. No apologies.

Amgad said...


you're free to so corrupt me anytime Dad. ;)