Monday, August 20, 2007

How to do Science

Thoughts on reading Julio Savi's "The Eternal Quest for God", a book I gladly recommend.

1. Approach research in the spirit of consultation (truth-finding).

2. Rely on sense perception (observation), intellect (reason), insight (imagination or intuition),
and tradition (previous research and literature).
When these four are in harmony, then a degree of certainty and truth is attained.

3. "The realities of material phenomena are impenetrable and unknowable and are only apprehended through their properties and qualities." —Abdu'l-Baha

4. "Reality is one and does not admit of multiplicity." —Abdu'l-Baha
Thus there exists AN answer to any question posed about reality.

5. Science, the outcome of man's intellectual endowment, is his most noble virtue and highest attainment. —Abdu'l-Baha

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