Thursday, June 14, 2007

Europe vs. America

People ask me what I like about Germany. How it's different. Why I like it better (I do). After much pondering, here are my observations. Note that this isn't a competition but just a record of my observations on the differences I've noticed. If it sounds biased, that's because it is. Enjoy.

1. There is more stress and tension everywhere I go in Ithaca. People are in a hurry, or else are purposely not in a hurry, which to me is just as bad because it's also self-conscious. Germans may hurry if they're late but overall I find them much less self-conscious.

2. Balance. Germans work hard but they know when to quit. Americans don't. Period.

3. The outdoors. Germans use them. Americans don't. They landscape and design and architecturize like nobody's business. Then they sit in their cars, their coffeeshops (they don't qualify as cafés.. for that you do have to go to Europe), their malls, offices and homes, safe behind that window pane, safe from other people. Americans seem afraid to interact with one another. Which brings me to my last point for today:

4. Germans will make and hold eye contact with complete strangers. There's no judgement, no appraising, no lust or disgust, not even joy or sadness really. Just two people acknowledging one another. Quietly. No nods. Just a look, held for a second or two, then on with the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good insights. Thanks, it was good to read. I'll take my time today, without meaning to, and glance in peoples eyes.